If there’s one thing we can say about 2020, it’s that it has given all of us plenty of time to think.
I’ve been thinking a lot about dreams; not the ones you have when you’re sleeping, but the ones that occupy your thoughts when you’re awake.
Aspirational dreams are so important, especially in chaotic times like this, because they give us purpose and move us forward.
So, for the next several weeks we’ll explore the different facets of pursuing dreams with what I’m calling “blogletts” – a quote, a quick thought, and a question or two for you to think about and, hopefully, answer in the comments below.
Let’s start off with bravery.
Fear can hold us back and keep us from achieving our goals, so we need to combat those fears with brave steps that remind us that we are deserving.
As you’ve moved through this challenging year, what has motivated you to show up for your dream and be brave?
What has been the impact of your decision to act with bravery?
My age allows me to be brave and knowing that it is futile to be other than who I am and also celebrate who i am