When faced with a difficult task, does the challenge itself make you want to work harder or does it cause you to back away from it a bit?
This might seem like a strange way to launch into a blog series but the question goes to the heart of Dr. Carol Dweck’s groundbreaking research that led to the concept of fixed mindset versus growth mindset. Dr. Dweck spent years observing children and arrived at a revolutionary conclusion: If you believe your brain can grow, you will act differently.
This finding has had an astounding impact on the performance of school children, with test scores rising time and again when students believe they can and will get smarter if they apply focus and effort. My question is, what if we bring that same theory to the corporate world?
In general, people with a fixed mindset are focused on performance and looking intelligent. They tend to shy away from challenges because they don’t want to make a mistake and risk looking incompetent.
People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, are focused on learning. They meet challenges head on in an effort to continue learning and growing, and even chalk up missteps as part of the process.
How might a growth mindset impact the way leaders lead?
How might employees change their outlook on their jobs and the roles they play in their organizations?
How might an increased understanding of both mindsets help us interact with each other more effectively? In my experience as a leadership consultant, I have seen countless examples of fixed mindsets holding people back from their highest potential.
My goal over the next several weeks is to share some of these stories (names changed to protect the innocent…and otherwise) and examine them through the growth mindset lens to see what we can all learn. I say all because each of us is on a journey and we can always learn more.
If you have a fixed mindset, this blog series may reveal some ways for you to challenge and expand your thinking. If you lean more toward a growth mindset, perhaps you will discover new tools to help you continue learning. If you aren’t sure what your mindset is, this brief quiz can help you find the answer. Whatever camp you find yourself in, I look forward to exploring and growing together.
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