Every leader, regardless of the size of their organization, needs a leadership platform — a set of strengths, values, skills, and characteristics for which they are known. Your platform is not necessarily something you memorize and share with your people. Rather, it is your compass; a reminder of your current assets, a touchstone for your ongoing development and growth, an aspirational statement of who and how you want to be in the future.For those who have a “loose” platform, this exercise can provide clarity and structure. For those who are new to the concept, it can be both affirming and illuminating. Wherever you are on the continuum, the experience of creating your leadership vision will include reflection, journaling and visualization. Once completed, you will receive an email with a print-ready pdf of your leadership vision statement.
Getting Started
Below is the framework we will use for this experience. Examining each of these elements brings assets and needs into sharp focus, creating a path forward. We hope you will be challenged and inspired by the process.
You can complete this experience on a phone, tablet, or computer. For an optimal experience we would recommend using a computer or tablet because of the larger screen size. You should allocate ~20 minutes to complete the experience.